H1324: A Woman of Adventure: The Life and Times of First Lady Lou Henry Hoover
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H1339: Activity Book - Backyard Science & Discovery Midwest
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H1333: Activity Book - Rocks and Minerals
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H1369: All the President's Money
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H1274: American Individualism by Herbert Hoover
H1019: Bill of Rights-Applewood
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H1004: Coloring Book - America's First Ladies
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H1045: Fashions of the First Ladies Paper Dolls
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H2509: Fishing Log Book
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H1183: Freedom Betrayed
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H1057: Going To Town
H1059: Guidebook to the Herbert Hoover Historic Site & Presidential Library and Museum
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H1064: Herbert Hoover: Forgotten Progressive
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H1065: Herbert Hoover: President of the United States
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H1358: Images of America- Around Mansfield
H1079: In the Land of the Big Red Apple
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H1272: In the Words of Herbert Hoover
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H1103: Little Town in the Ozarks
H1257: Lou Henry Hoover: Activist First Lady
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H1338: Monsters of the Midwest
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H1298: Rock Collecting for Kids - An Introduction to Geology
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H1352: Rock Collectors Guide Brochure
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H1194: Rocks and Minerals of the US Quick Guide
H1142: Rules of Civility-Applewood
H1332: Some Babies Are Wild
H1033: The Crusade Years, 1933-1955
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H1092: The Life of Herbert Hoover: Keeper of the Torch, 1933-1964 (Vol. 6)
H1089: The Life of Herbert Hoover: Master of Emergencies, 1917-1918 (Vol. 3)
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H1088: The Life of Herbert Hoover: The Humanitarian, 1914-17 (Vol. 2)
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H1131: The Presidency of Herbert C. Hoover
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H1254: The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder
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H1155: Uncle Bert
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H1163: West From Home
H1170: Winter On The Farm