Presidential Slogan Puzzle

SKU FDR12043
The United States is a proud nation of individuals who want to RETURN TO NORMALCY and to vote FOR A NEW DEAL. Whether you proclaim I LIKE IKE or you like LBJ FOR THE USA, you’ll enjoy this colorful Presidential Campaign Slogans jigsaw puzzle. A collection of mottos and rallying cries, buttons and banners and badges – it’s for everyone who believes THIS IS OUR YEAR… isn’t that all of us? Featuring art and slogans from the following presidential hopefuls: Warren G. Harding (1920), Calvin Coolidge (1924), Lyndon B. Johnson (1964), George S. McGovern (1972), Abraham Lincoln (c.1860), John McCain (2008), Eugene McCarthy (1968), James Garfield (1880), Wiliam McKinley (1896), Theodore Roosevelt (1912), Wiliam Jennings Bryan (1900), Donald Trump (2016), Adlai Stevenson (1952), Wiliam Henry Harison (1840), Barack Obama (2008), Wiliam McKniely (1896), Thomas.EDewey (1944), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1952), Horace Greeley (1872), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1932), Woodrow Wilson (1916), James K. Polk (1844,)Eugene V. Debs (1912), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1936), Andrew Jackson (1832), Ros Perot (1992), Shirley Chisholm (1972), Theodore Roosevelt (1904), Herbert Hoover (1928), Samuel J. Tilden (1876), George W. Bush (2000), Theodore Roosevelt (1912), Joseph Biden (2020), Gerald .R Ford (1976), Bil Clinton (1992), Walter Mondale (1984), Jimmy Carter (1976), Ulysses S. Grant (1868), Henry Clay (1844), Bernie Sanders (2016), Michael S. Dukakis (1988), Grover Cleveland (1888), Abraham Lincoln (1864), John F. Kennedy (1962), Millard Fillmore (1856), Barry Goldwater (1964), Wiliam Howard Taft (1904), Richard M. Nixon (1968), Zachary Tayolr (1848), Al Gore (2000), Alfred Landon (1936), Franklin Pierce (1852), Wiliam Jennings Bryan (1896), Elizabeth Waren (2020), Hubert Humphrey (1968), Benjamin Harison (1888), Mit Romney (2012), Hary S. Truman (1948), James Cox (1920), Barack Obama (2012), Ronald Reagan (1980), Jesse Jackson (1988), John W. Davis (1924), Wendel Willie (1940), George HW. . Bush (1988), Hilary Clinton (2016), John Fremont (1860)
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