HST Silhouette Tie Tac

SKU H3003
Truman Silhouette Tie Tack

Harry Truman loved his morning walk. He got up before the sun, a habit he acquired as a farmer in Grandview, Missouri and went for a one or two mile walk at a military pace, 120 steps per minute, almost every day. No matter the distance, he always moved at a quick pace and with long, purposeful strides. Harry said, “Walk as if you had somewhere to go.”

Folks from Independence were, and are, very proud that Truman returned to his hometown after leaving the White House, and signs all around the town now bear the familiar silhouette image of the former president performing his daily routine.

Our Truman silhouette tie tack is constructed of stainless steel and buffed to a high finish. It is approximately 7/8” high x 1/2” wide and has a clutch attachment on the back to hold it securely.

All proceeds from The Buck Stops Here Store go to support the educational and exhibit programs of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum

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