The Wit and Wisdom of Harry Truman

The Wit and Wisdom of Harry Truman

SKU H0034
The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman: A Treasury of Quotations, Anecdotes, and Observations

In an era of spin doctors, media consultants, and politics by poll, it’s refreshing to read the words of a politician who knew his own mind and wasn’t afraid to speak it. That politician was Harry Truman.

“I never sit on a fence,” said Truman. “I am either on one side or another.” Pithy, blunt comments like this were his stock in trade. Many of them have survived the test of time. “Being a president is like riding a tiger,” Truman observed. “A man has to keep on riding or be swallowed. In Truman’s opinion, “An honest public servant cannot become rich in politics.” And, “When an egotist is punctured, a lot of noise and whistling always accompanies the escaping air.”

>These are just a few of the wealth of quotes and anecdotes that Ralph Keyes has collected for The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman. He has also included excerpts from Truman’s letters, speeches, press conferences, and diaries, such as this entry that Truman wrote while in the White House: “Another hectic day in the executive office. Saw a lot of customers. Hope they all left happy.” The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman is an informative and entertaining collection of the best observations by this most quotable of presidents. It is also a splendid introduction to his life. And a great read. Softcover, 156 pages.

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