Eisenhower Presidential Library Store
E1242: American Vice Presidents
$34.95 (Each)
E1713: From Arab Nationalism to OPEC (Eisenhower, King Sa'ud, that making of US Saudi Realtions)
$30.00 (Each)
E1634: How Ike Led: Principles Behind Eisenhower's Biggest Decisions
$25.00 (Each)
E1041: Presidential Crosswords
$3.00 (Each)
E1267: Roosevelt's Centurions
$35.00$10.00 (Each)
E1379: Selecting a President
$10.00 (Each)
E1712: The Perfect Failure (Kennedy, Eisenhower, and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs)
$22.00 (Each)
E1659: The Presidents Visual Encyclopedia
$17.00 (Each)
E1292: U.S. Presidents Fandex Field Guide
$12.95 (Each)
E1549: Ultimate Insiders: White House Photographers and How They Shape History
$29.95 (Each)
E1443: Under This Roof: The White House and the Presidency
$25.95 (Each)
E11123: We Like Ike
E1329: White House History Journal- The Presidential Libraries
$9.95 (Each)
E11124: White House History Magazine: Eisenhower White House
$3.95 (Each)
E1007: Words to Win By: The Slogans, Logos, and Designers of America's Pres Elections