Eisenhower Presidential Library Store
In this issue, White House History visits the presidential libraries of the United States, including the Eisenhower Presidential Library, with an article by Karl Weissenbach, its director.
No country in the world has such unique institutions, which embrace not only the presidents’ papers and documents, but richly provide the sources from their eras in history. With essays from each of the current thirteen presidential libraries, we trace the coming of age in the preservation of presidential papers, with both private and governmental participation, and the formation by Congress of a useful process that eases the creation of new presidential libraries in the future. In addition to the thirteen facilities that are supervised by the National Archives system, the issue also visits the small number of presidential libraries that remain private or state owned. Softcover, 106 pages.
E1082: Passport to Presidential Libraries
$10.00 (Each)
E11124: White House History Magazine: Eisenhower White House
$3.95 (Each)