Gerald R. Ford on-line store
F789LINCOLN: Abraham Lincoln Bobblehead
$29.95 (Each)
F789HAMILTON: Alexander Hamilton Bobblehead
F789JACKSON: Andrew Jackson Bobblehead
F789OBAMA: Barack Obama Bobblehead
F789FRANKLIN: Benjamin Franklin Bobblehead
F789BCLINTON: Bill Clinton Bobblehead
F7891137: Donald Trump Bobblehead
F789EISEN: Dwight D. Eisenhower Bobblehead
F7891058: Franklin D.Roosevelt Bobblehead
F789WASHINGTON: George Washington Bobblehead
F789BUSHSR: George H.W. Bush Bobblehead
F789GBUSH: George W. Bush Bobblehead
F789FORD: Gerald R. Ford Bobblehead
F789TRUMAN: Harry Truman Bobblehead
F789HOOVER: Herbert Hoover Bobblehead
F789HCLINTON: Hillary Clinton Bobblehead
F78911805: James K Polk Bobblehead
F789MADISON: James Madison Bobblehead
F78911959: James Monroe Bobblehead
F789CARTER: Jimmy Carter Bobblehead
F789BIDEN: Joe Biden Bobblehead
F789ADAMS: John Adams Bobblehead
F789KENNEDY: John F. Kennedy Bobblehead
F789JQADAMS: John Quincy Adams Bobblehead
F789JTYLER: John Tyler Bobblehead
F789KHARRIS: Kamala Harris Bobblehead
F789LIBDOG: Liberty Dog Bobblehead
F789RB1079: Lyndon B.Johnson Bobblehead
F789NIXON: Richard Nixon Bobblehead
F789REAGAN: Ronald Reagan Bobblehead
F789ROSIE: Rosie the Riveter Bobblehead
F7891215: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Bobblehead
F789RB1081: Statue of Liberty Bobblehead
F7891043: Theodore Roosevelt Bobblehead
F789JEFFERSON: Thomas Jefferson Bobblehead
F7891336: Thomas Paine Bobblehead
F789GRANT: Ulysses S. Grant Bobblehead
F789SAM: Uncle Sam Bobblehead
F789HARRISON: William Henry Harrison Bobblehead
F789TAFT: William Taft Bobblehead
F789CHURCHILL: Winston Churchhill Bobblehead
F789TAYLOR: Zachary Taylor Bobblehead